Sunday 16 March 2014

Interesting blogs that i came across !!!

I came across some interesting blogs this week.I thought i would share it with u all.

1.Business Insider - It has more posts about the business world today.

2.The Verge - Is simply about the new technology .There are lots of posts about new innovations and the latest in the IT world.

Hope these blogs will gain your attention as well .


Friday 14 March 2014

Hello World !

My name is Tharindu Dasun , but everyone calls me Daz , i think its easier.I'm originally from a beautiful island called Sri Lanka.I moved to Australia in 2008.I did my studies in Melbourne in Automotive Technology , and moved to Perth in 2012 after finishing studies.Now i'm working fulltime for BMW in Vic Park. I really love cars so i enjoy working with such a prestige brand.I wanted to grow in the automotive trade , so here i am with you all to finish my bachelors.
I love technology and computers.In the past i've done some studies in IT and worked in customer srevice for long.So i thought this will help me to complete my bachelors.I love music .I used to be a DJ back in my country but now dont have time for that. I'm huge movie addict.I watch at least one or two movies a day.